Monday, June 18, 2012


17.06.2012 20:09

Brazilians definitely like their holidays, and Bahia is no exception. First, we had the day off for the Corpus Christy holiday. Then last week was the Dia dos Amorados, like our Valentine’s day, which comes the day before Dia de Santo Antonio. Upcoming is the festival of São João, which is every year on the 23rd and 24th of June. Though mostly celebrated in the country side, urbanites of Salvador are decorating and cooking up a storm in excited anticipation. All around the Pelourinho are banners like the ones below from our day in Cachoiera. Street vendors are selling traditional festival food including pamonha de milho, pamonha de tapioca,  and amendoin (tamale-like sweets made of corn or tapioca and boiled peanuts). Group dancing called quadrillos (kind like square dancing) dress in vibrant colors and move to forro music (Brazil’s version of country). And of course drinks are supposed to be plentiful. I’m told to prepare for a three day street festival like no other. I’ll find out next weekend!

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